Proctored Exams
Skillsfirst offers a proctoring (remote invigilation) service to all Functional Skills approved centres where Functional Skills exams are proctored by a Skillsfirst, UK-based proctor team. This allows learners to sit exams in the comfort of their own homes and provides centres with a flexible solution to invigilation difficulties.
Proctoring is available Monday to Friday and sessions start at 09:00, 11:45 and 14:30. Bookings are made via our online booking form which can be found here and each booking is charged at £27. Please be aware bookings are non-refundable.
Once a booking has been submitted, the Skillsfirst team will schedule the exam in our XAMS system. Exactly 72 hours before the start of the exam, the learner will receive an email from ProctorExam with system checks they need to complete. The checks include a sound, webcam and microphone test, as well as ensuring screen share is working. Learners must complete these system checks at least 24 hours before the exam is due to start. Once the system checks are complete, a second email will be sent to the learner containing the link to the exam.
Please be aware, learners will need to show photographic identification before starting their exam. Learners will need to remain in exam conditions at all times during their exam.
Centres will need to familiarise themselves with the guidance documents below prior to booking a proctored exam.
ProctorExam & XAMS Guidance for Functional Skills learners
Skillsfirst guidance to centres on proctored exams
The ‘ProctorExam & XAMS Guidance for Functional Skills learners’ document must be shared with all learners prior to sitting a proctored exam.
Please contact [email protected] should you require any additional information.